Finding the good.
Enjoy the stories of a life fully focused on exposing the good.
Extra Eyes Available
Life is good once again. I am blessed to be reunited with my husband because of CMS directives regarding compassionate care. Known to be a model in long-term and rehabilitative care, they are and have been proactive in safety and protective measures while putting the residents needs as their highest priority. The first in our area, when these directives were released on a Friday, by Monday administration had plans in place to implement scheduled visitation. Even in these crazy times, they continue to be transparent, communicative while providing exemplary care. I am grateful beyond words.
Thank you, Attorney General Derek Schmidt!
Confession - Last week, the call from Topeka I spoke of, came from Kansas Attorney General Derek Schmidt to tell me (by way of his cell phone), just hours after the release of new CMS (Medicare) directives, I should be on the lookout for the transformation of visitation policies across the country. Although he is a humble man, he didn’t claim responsibility for the change. But I knew in my heart, there was no way he could have known so quickly. It was he I met with in Topeka, along with his staff, nearly three weeks before.
Climb Every Mountain
The other day, the sting of betrayal hit me, just as I had imagined when I witnessed it on the big screen. The forsaken trust of Liesl and the ignorance of Rolph meeting face to face with the Baron VonTrapp, from behind a tombstone, I too, had my moment. Although it came in the form of a misstep, this incident let me know how we are at a pivotal moment with regard to our loss of freedoms.
Dance Like the World is Watching
Comfortably close to long-held convictions, a few years ago, I would have told you that dancing is an activity reserved for the gifted. Music and rhythm have been a very important part of my life, but I couldn’t imagine that we could become a dance family? Why even a group exercise class is an opportunity for embarrassment. And after all, what life skills could be gleaned from learning to float across a stage? Ask me about horses; golf; even team sports – and I will tell you a different story.
Out of Sight
Monitored patio visits with maximum social distancing have taken the luster out of the simple words – I love you. Those separated from their loved ones in health care facilities know firsthand, the torment of being unable to hold a hand, the absence of a simple kiss or hug, and the inability to fully share compassion. Collective moments of innocence are gone. Like a novel, these wonderful lives in their final chapters, have had the book stripped from their hands, the characters replaced and been told another author of unknown style will complete their life story.
Make Your Joyful Noise
It has been long known that music is good for the soul. Despite all the benefits that come from the joy of music, in this time of fear regarding Coronavirus 19, our voices have been silenced.
Where’s the Food?
Several years ago, I sat in on a meeting while a mind-boggling statistic was revealed. For the first time in history, the consumption of prepared food by the food service industry, had surpassed that of grocery store utilization. Decades in the making, fifty-one percent of all food now came from an entity other than your grocer.
Smile Anyway
Friday, the third of July, I, like many others, had to make that infamous run to the store for last minute holiday prep items. It was also the first day of the mask mandate in our community. While I felt sorry for the lovely woman employee that was assigned her post at the door, sanitizing carts and informing customers masks were required, I couldn’t help but admire her ability to put forth such an upbeat attitude as she verbally encouraged patrons to the rack of masks available for purchase. Confidence was not going to be contained behind this woman’s mask.
Voice for the Voiceless
Balking at the very thought, apparently, I need a website. A manuscript, ready to be eyeballed, has nowhere to go. Publisher’s won’t look, unless you have an agent. Agents that work with noted publishers won’t look, unless you have a platform. The speaking engagements come naturally when you are impassioned about what you’re writing about. But the idea of developing a platform? Well, that’s just plain ‘too risky.’
The Alzheimer’s Tree
Oh, the Christmas tree! Maybe my passion for collecting star ornaments began when Frank taught me to look up when someone is trying to love you, rather than looking down upon myself in judgment. With too many stars to count, Frank asked, “Did you have some kind of aspiration to become an astronomer?”
The Eleanor Rigbys
Words attached to music create a reality intended by the songwriter. The resounding echo of the Beatles song ‘Eleanor Rigby’ has haunted me lately. “All the lonely people, where do they all come from? All the lonely people, where do they all belong?”
Pressure Warning
Most of us know of craziness and an uptick in births during a full moon, Nurses swear by it, but are often unaware of barometric pressure influences. This very old tool used by farmers is something that I depended on while taking care of my husband with Alzheimer’s.